Space Cadet Soaps
Pumkin & Oat
Pumkin & Oat
If you want to make a husband happy, get him a bar of this soap. I have been at many-a-craft fairs, with lingering, bored husbands, graciously sniffing every bar of soap their wife forces under their nose. They keep composure, but all sniffing is a sacrificial act of love... until this bar. I have seen it time and again, they meander back and forth across the table, looking docile, until the Pumpkin reaches their nostrils... their eyes light with glee, countenance transforms from bored to exhilarated. And suddenly it is the man shoving a bar of soap under his wife's nose, rather than the other way around. Perhaps, it's because it smells like a Thanksgiving kitchen. I have seen the influence that a bar of pumpkin soap can have on a man's face, and the change is dramatic. So, I make this soap to bless the hubbies, and menfolk of all ages, because I know that they have been so gracious to linger in my booth while their elated wives sniff soap, and I figure they should have something that delights their senses as well. Made with phthalate-free fragrance oil, oats for exfoliation and raw goat's milk.